Queensland Women’s Week 2023: The women that inspire us
Queensland Women’s Week 2023 is an opportunity to celebrate the women who inspire us. This year’s theme, Empower her voice; secure her future, highlights the importance of women’s participation in all areas of society, from education and work to politics and home.

At DVConnect, we firmly believe that for Queensland women to fully participate in society, they need to feel safe and free from domestic, family, and sexual violence. We are committed to working towards a future where all women can thrive because their lives are violence-free.
Queensland Women’s Week is a time (but not the only time) to acknowledge the achievements of remarkable Queensland women who have spoken up and taken action to create positive change.
Through our work, we have the privilege of hearing the stories of women who are fighting for their family’s safety and futures. We hear these stories on our helplines every day told by the most courageous Queensland women. Although we cannot share their stories, we can spotlight three inspiring Queensland women who have played important roles in empowering women and girls throughout Queensland’s history.
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Shannon Fentiman MP
One Queensland woman who embodies this year’s Queensland Women’s Week theme is Shannon Fentiman, a politician and advocate for women’s rights in Queensland. Shannon Fentiman has been instrumental in creating change to end violence against women, promoting gender equality, and helping to create safer futures for women and girls across the state.
Emma Miller
Another inspiring Queensland woman is Emma Miller, a suffragette who fought for women’s right to vote in Australia. Born in England in 1839, she moved to Australia in 1866 and became involved in the women’s suffrage movement. In 1894, she led a protest march of 600 women through Brisbane’s streets, demanding the right to vote. Thanks to her efforts and those of other suffragettes, women in Queensland gained the right to vote in state elections in 1905.
Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker)
Oodgeroo Noonuccal also known as Kath Walker was a Queensland woman whose legacy lives on today. She was an Aboriginal poet, writer, educator and activist who fought for the rights of Indigenous people in Australia. Her poetry and writing brought attention to the injustices faced by Aboriginal people in Australia and helped to raise awareness about culture and traditions.
Shannon Fentiman, Emma Miller and Oodgero Noonuccal are three Queensland women who have spoken up and taken action to create positive change. They inspire us and send a strong message that we must all work together to ‘empower her voice and secure her future’.
So let’s celebrate Queensland Women’s Week 2023 by honouring incredible Queensland women, including those we work with, live with, and admire in our lives.