Domestic violence and mental health in the spotlight
In March of 2022, members of the DVConnect leadership team appeared as witness to the Queensland Parliament Mental Health Select Committee (MHSC) to talk to the intersections of domestic, family, sexual violence and mental health.

We were grateful for the opportunity to appear as witness to the Committee and to make a submission to help improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders.
CEO Beck O’Connor and colleagues highlighted the intersectionality of domestic, family and sexual violence and mental health to the MHSC.
They told the Committee, “If we hope to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders, we must acknowledge the link between DFV and negative health impacts, including poor mental health and mental illness.”
“The prevalence of DFV and sexual assault is such that with every presentation of a woman in a mental health setting we need to think first, “is this related to violence or abuse”?”
You can now read DVConnect’s Submission to the Queensland Parliament Mental Health Select Committee or find out more about the MHSC here.
The MHSC was established to conduct an inquiry into the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders.