The only day like it in the world: LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day
1 in 2 LGBTQ+ people will experience domestic, family and intimate partner violence and abuse (DV) in their lifetime, yet victims remain largely invisible with incredibly low...
Domestic violence and mental health in the spotlight
In March of 2022, members of the DVConnect leadership team appeared as witness to the Queensland Parliament Mental Health Select Committee (MHSC) to talk to the intersections of...
Apply now to work with 1800RESPECT
The National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service, 1800RESPECT is expanding in July so we are currently recruiting skilled and qualified people to join...
Express your interest in joining DVConnect’s expanding 1800RESPECT team
DVConnect is inviting qualified people from across Australia to express their interest in joining the team of specialists supporting 1800RESPECT. DVConnect provides specialist...