3 tips to set boundaries in 2023
If you have trouble setting boundaries, you are not alone. As kids, we were in tune with our wants and needs. But when grown ups told us to do the “polite” thing, our...
Queensland Women’s Week 2023: The women that inspire us
Queensland Women's Week 2023 is an opportunity to celebrate the women who inspire us. This year's theme, Empower her voice; secure her future, highlights the importance of women's...
DVConnect welcomes three non-executive Directors including a new Chair as its work helping survivors find pathways to safety enters a pivotal phase
DVConnect today welcomed three non-executive Directors including a new Chair of the Board, saying the expanded skill set comes at a time when national interest in helping...
Get involved in the 16 Days of Activism
Gender-based violence is a global crisis. It is one of the most pervasive human rights violations, worldwide, affecting more than 1 in 3 women. 16 Days of Activism is an annual...